Wednesday evening at about 5:30pm when I left work, I hit the road for home like I always do. I was riding by the park going around 20 - 25 MPH when my phone rang. I picked it up with my right hand and noticed it was a reminder. I saw that I needed to stop up ahead, and instead of putting the phone back and using both hands, I decided to stop one-handed (with my left hand) instead. For those of you that ride a bike, you'll know that the left brake is for the front tire. So here I am pedaling along at 20-some miles per hour with a 205 pound payload (I need to lay off the donuts), and for whatever strange reason, I decided to grip the brake hard, which locked up the front wheel and threw me over the front of the bike. I got some road rash on my left side including a nice bump above my left eye. A lady up ahead who witnessed this, rolled down her window and said "You really need to be more careful.". I said "yes ma'am" and then she drove off.
When I biffed it, I had dropped my phone and lost the battery cover and battery. I had to search around for a while, but eventually found all the parts and got my phone working again. I did a quick look at the bike, and everything seemed OK. I started to ride home and felt pain in both knees and my left shoulder. Other then that, though... I felt fine. I got home and told Jeanine about it, then ate some dinner. While eating, my right arm started to stiffen up, and I couldn't extend it all the way. Jeanine palpated it, but I didn't have any sharp pain. A little later, I couldn't rotate my wrist, so Jeanine decided we should go in and get it looked at. PMC has a "Convenient Care Clinic" that is open after hours and keeps you from having to go to the ER. Unfortunately, they couldn't do much for me and scheduled an X-Ray for the next morning.
Thursday morning I go to work early, and the X-Ray tech brutally contorted my poor arm into the most painful configurations I could imagine! After finishing up, it was determined that I had a radial-head fracture. I was referred to an Orthopedic specialist, but had to wait until the following morning to get looked at.
This morning (Friday), Jeanine and I traveled to Colorado Springs, and after being looked at, I was told I had a 'good' fracture. I don't need surgery or a cast. I will continue to use the sling, but I need to move my joint around to keep it from locking up on me.
I have learned to never use my phone again while riding my bicycle. I had several people say "I told you so". Hopefully I don't slip back into old habits...
Here is one X-Ray showing the non-displaced radial head fracture. See if you can find it. ;-)
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="779" caption="Ouch!"]

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